
We partner with a wide mix of nonprofits in Northwest Kansas

Affiliate Foundations

GNWKCF provides the legal 501(c)(3) structure for all foundations with an affiliate status.  These local foundations receive our full services and benefits, including administrative, accounting and investment services, donor relations and legal estate support, foundation staff and board training, and more.

Affiliate Community Foundations that operate under GNWKCF's 501(c)(3) tax-exempt umbrella status are covered under our foundation’s insurance policies, all funds are filed on our 990 and part of our annual audit. We provide the legal framework for these foundations to operate as a nonprofit charity. Each of these local foundations have their own local board of directors who oversee their area of funds.
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Agency Foundations

GNWKCF provides accounting and investment administrative services for all or bulk of the foundation’s established funds.  Our back-office support allows the local foundations to focus on their mission as they build donor relations to help donors achieve their philanthropic goals.

Community Foundations that operate as independent 501(c)(3) organizations are referred to as Agency Foundations.  We provide back-office accounting and investment service options to these foundations to assist with their independently established funds.

Supporting Organizations

GNWKCF provides guidance and oversight to these organizations to help them meet important requirements set by the IRS.

Supporting organizations are community foundations or organizations who are unable to pass the public-support test to be a standalone 501(c)(3); therefore, the IRS recognizes them with a 509(a)(3) status, connecting them to an established 501(c)(3), such as GNWKCF. All supporting organizations must pass an organizational test, an operational test, a control test and a relationship test before IRS approves this relationship.
GNWKCF provides guiding oversight for these organizations to meet IRS requirements. Funds are managed by GNWKCF and their full assets are compiled and accounted for on our 990, but the supporting organization is responsible for filing their own independent 990 as well. Supporting organizations receive similar accounting and investment support and services from GNWKCF as an Agency Foundation.
Foundation Map

Making an impact in NW Kansas

Our foundations are making the lives of people who live in Greater Northwest Kansas better.