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Donor Advised Funds (DAF’s)
Donors receive charitable gift receipts for the contributions to their established DAF. The fund is normally named in someone’s memory or established as a “Family Fund”, however, the donor(s) may personalize as they wish. The donor(s) are setup as the advisors to their Fund, which allows them to make all grant recommendations from their DAF. Grant recommendations must be to qualifying charitable 501(c)(3) organizations, educational, government or religious entities per IRS rules. The donor(s) may name succeeding generations as successor advisors or transition it to the Foundation to advise over upon donor(s) death.
Contact one of our
McDonald Community Development Fund
board members or staff to learn more, or contact GNWKCF directly at 785-734-2406.
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instances across the website.
This is used across various foundation pages. If you want to remove this box, go to this foundation's Collection item and remove all content from the following field: "Section: Keep 5 in Kansas -> Description"
Keep 5 in Kansas
Board Members
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